Discovering Treasures: 11 Old money books to explore

This is the front image of the article about old money books. It shows an old book and glasses.

As old money describes wealth inherited for generations, lots of values and experiences have been shared with it. Therefore, an old money book will tell you stories of rich individuals and give you precious information on how to advance in life. 

We will not only feature nooks with the expression “old money” in them as these are mainly produced to show you how they live. Rather we will show you some old money books directly written by them. This gives us a better understanding of values and the way they work. 

Old money style

This book resembles elegance and timelessness like hardly any other.

First, we will start with the book “old money style” by Byron Tully. This book is one of my personal favorites. It shows men how to dress well and embrace their old money style. The author shares tips and guides you to dressing timelessly with class.

You not only don’t need to be involved in any styling niche or have any knowledge about how to dress properly. Also, you don’t need a high budget for the essentials he shares with you in his book.

The Great Gatsby

This book has to be high up on this list. The Author F. Scott Fitzgerald describes in this masterpiece a young ambitious man, Nick Carraway, living in a rich neighborhood on Long Island. 

When he meets his cousin Daisy Buchanan, she tells him who his mysterious neighbor is that always does the biggest parties in his home. Jay Gatsby, a millionaire of whom nobody really knows how he became rich, approaches Nick and shares his secrets and his love for Nick’s cousin as they met earlier in life.

The Secret History

This book, the secret history by Donna Tartt, resembles timelessness and elegance.

This old money book by Donna Tartt can also be put in the preppy category. It pretty much shows us what preppy is. As Richart Pappen, a young man from a normal background, visits college, he meets some students from wealthy families. 

When a professor tells them a new perception of living, these students go to find out on their own. As they proceed, strange things happen and blood is in the air.

The old money book: How to live better while spending less

Again, we find ourselves with another book by Bryon Tully. This time, he shares with us his philosophy about how to live a better life whilst spending less money. In this masterpiece, he talks about how the American Upper-Class makes a comfortable living. Additionally, he provides information on how to adapt to these things with little money.

This gives any reader from any background the opportunity to live a good life with as little as possible costs. In my opinion, this is a great old money book that shows the lifestyle of old money and makes it affordable for anyone.

Old money by Nelson W. Aldrich

This old money book has been published under two names. One is “Old money: The Mythology of Wealth in America”. The other title from the same year is called slightly different: “Old money: The Mythology of America’s Upper-Class”. 

Both books feature the same content about why old money is different from “ordinary people”. Also, it discusses if the elite is willing to lead America to success or stay on its own.

In my opinion, this book is great to read. Even though it is a little older (1988), most of the values and opinions can be transferred to the modern world.

Sons and daughters of ease and plenty

This book, sons and Daughters of easy and plenty offers a great insight into old money's life.

This book by Ramona Ausubel tells a story about an old money family whose wealth has expired. As they find themselves left without any more money from an inheritance, the family breaks as both parents split up and go on adventures with strangers. 

As the three children are left at home unguarded, they find out about their parent’s former style of living.This book tells a humorous story about the downfall of an old money family and is a great one to read. 

Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians is about a couple from New York. As they are on a vacation in Singapore to meet the boyfriend’s family, the girlfriend soon comes to realize his family has a lot of money. As his family owns a huge palace and is well-known, the adventure soon gets out of hand.

Due to the boyfriend being an eligible Bachelor and his relatives being obsessed with ancestors, they will not share a private minute on their vacation. On top, social climbers want to win her boyfriend over.

This book shows us why old money typically is described as silent wealth and how things can turn out if you decide not to be that silent. Also, you can watch this piece of art as a movie.

To get to know more about old money movies, check out my article about 25 of them.

Old Money, New Woman: How To Manage Your Money and Your Life

The book Old money New woman is a great must-read.

Again, another book by Bryon Tully. This book is the pendant to the first book on this list, just for women. Here, the author describes 8 secrets from old money women to adopt. 

He not only shares style secrets but also shows the reader how to have good etiquette and adopt the values of old money. With this book, you will get insights into an elegant life without having to break the bank. 

Cheerful money

This old money book may not be as popular as other ones in this list, but it represents old money from another side. In this book, Tad Friend, the author, tells from his own perspective a story about the downfall of his family. Once, they were well-known aristocrats but in the 1960s this suddenly changed.

Whilst still wanting to maintain the WASP image and being illustrious, the downfall is unstoppable. As Ted decides to take a look at his ancestors’ lives, he sees alcoholics and more illustrious people of old money.

The Late George Apley

This book on the other hand describes the life of the rich in Boston. No harsh downfalls are portrayed here but rather private old money clubs and other establishments of the ultra-rich people.

The author, John P. Marquand, describes a society in transition during the Gilded Age and Great Depression. As everything seems to be perfect for the outside world, we notice rather fast that there are still problems and personal issues with old money. A lot though.

If you want to know more about old money clubs and communities, check out my article about them here

To Marry an English Lord

The book To Marry an English Lord is a great staple you should read.

Whilst I have not read this book yet, “To Mary an English Lord” by Gail Maccoll is a great old money book. The essential story is about a woman sharing secrets about what goes on behind the scenes in the entertainment business.

Also, it shows how social boundaries and marriage worked in early American days and how rich families tried to give their daughters European titles to adapt to their perception of old money.

As this book is known to be the real story behind Downtown Abbey, I find it very interesting to read.  All in all a great old money book I encourage you to read.

Final thoughts on old money books

All of these old money books share different secrets and stories of old money you can adapt. As there are many more written by old money, this list falls a little short. Although they are also relevant, if find books written in the 19th and early 20th century hard to read.

Therefore, books like “Remembrance of Things Past” by Marcel Proust are not included even though they represent old money great. Check out SheKnows for more inspiration.


What are the best old money books?

Old Money: The Myth of America’s Upper Class, Sons and Daughters of Ease and Plenty, and Old money style are the best old money books.

Which books are about old money families?

Sons and Daughters of Ease and Plenty and Crazy Rich Asians speak the most about old money families.

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