Old money clubs and social circles explained

The Aces clubs house in Texarkana: An old money club.

Old money likes to surround itself with like-minded people. Therefore, there are some social circles like old money clubs it likes to participate in. 

Old money clubs and other social circles like old money communities are a crucial component of old money keeping its wealth and influence. They function as a network of like-minded people where you can build relationships and seal deals without the public knowing.

As you can see from this short description, old money like to surround itself with like-minded people. In this article, we will dive deeper into the mysterious world of old money clubs and circles.

If you want to know how to dress appropriately for these clubs and communities, check out my article about formal old money outfits.

Which old money circles and societies are there?

As old money likes to surround itself with like-minded people of similar wealth and reputation, they form clubs and societies to help them gather. These help old money to set up meetings and form relationships with a selected number of people. 

These social circles include old money clubs, gatherings in educational institutions, old money communities, charity events, and other high-society events and clubs. 

In the course of this article, we will discuss old money clubs and communities as they are the highly exclusive ones you will associate old money circles with.

Old money clubs explained

Old money clubs, known for their rich history and exclusivity, don’t admit members through casual requests. Instead, they invite potential candidates to an initiation ceremony to assess their alignment with the club’s values.

Membership requirements include substantial wealth, a good reputation, and a diverse skill set. Once accepted, members must adhere to strict conduct rules, and discretion is a hallmark of these clubs. New members often require sponsorship by an existing member.

While traditionally these clubs favored old money individuals, some have adapted to include new money members, such as in the case of Andrew Carnegie in past centuries.

Andre Carnegie’s story is portrayed in the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill which I highly encourage you to read. Because of its perspective on money and manifestation, this book is a must-have for you to read. 

Benefits of old money clubs

With all these criteria and rules, you have to match and obey, you may ask yourself: Is it even worth it to be part of an old money club? Well, let me tell you, it is.

First of all, old money clubs are not really a place where you enjoy yourself and have excessive parties They are places where you build relationships with important people and seal deals to keep and multiply your wealth. Nevertheless, you can still have fun in these clubs as they participate in old money activities like golf and sailing, and you can even see them yachting. 

If you want to know more about old money activities, check out my article about them here

An old money community is portrayed in this Picture, the Hamptons.

Another thing, you gain from old money clubs is participation in highly exclusive events. As Andrew Carnegie did in the book Think and Grow Rich which we talked about earlier, guests are invited to such clubs to pitch their business ideas to a wealthy group of people willing to invest. Additionally, old money clubs typically host charity events.

Examples of old money clubs

Now, we will look at some old money clubs and their trademarks.

The bohemian club

The bohemian club is an old money club that was founded in the late 19th century. It is known for its strange traditions and highly exclusive membership system. You must be invited and sponsored by an active member. 

Therefore, you gain access to conversations with some of the most influential politicians and other important people. 

Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones derive from a fraternity founded in the early 19th century at Yale University. Every year, freshmen get tapped on the shoulder as an invitation process to become members of this old money club. 

To be selected, they must have outstanding skills in sports or scientific or economic fields. Skull and Bones brought up several impactful people and even some Presidents of the United States. 

Old money communities explained

Now we will look at another social circle, old money creates, old money communities. For this, you will not have to have some initiation ceremony or something similar. Rather you have to own a home in these communities. 

With their rich neighborhoods and traditions, they are a place, where old money gathers and forms alliances. As you can just walk to the next door to discuss important deals with the head of a multi-million-dollar business is something, you can barely get anywhere else. 

Moreover, there is another barrier to these communities, which is money. As the people there, mostly live in huge old money homes and mansion-which you can find out more about here– you will need to have substantial wealth to be able to accommodate your place. 

Therefore, you will get to see beautiful homes and places like Palm Beach or other old money communities. They are often placed in the south of the USA. These old money communities are often located at historical points like large farms, ports, or beautiful landscapes that played a role in the civil war.

Find out about many old money travel destinations, where you can enjoy life with other wealthy individuals, here.

Influence of old money

Amidst all those influential clubs and communities, you might wonder just how much power old money really has these days. While they used to wield a lot more influence in the past, they still pack a punch for a few reasons, although not as much as before.

First off, these clubs and communities serve as hubs for economic and political connections. Old money often backs political campaigns and even nurtures future presidents.

In addition to their economic and political clout, old money also holds considerable sway in the social and cultural spheres. They’ve built up their reputation by engaging in philanthropy and donating generously to charities and nonprofit organizations.

While old money still has a say in current affairs, it’s not quite as strong as in previous centuries, largely because of the rise of social media and other modern sources of influence that have somewhat diluted their political impact.

Final thoughts on old money clubs and communities

As you can see from this article, old money clubs, and other social circles are not only mysterious and highly exclusive. They also are very useful for those who want to maintain and multiply their wealth. Also, we learned, that old money to this day holds lots of influence in our everyday world. 

If you found this article helpful and want to leave me a comment on what to write about next, don’t hesitate to do this down below. 


Where are old money social communities in the USA?

Upper East Side in NYC, the Hamptons, Newport, and Palm Beach are places you can find lots of old money communities.

Where are old money cities in Europe?

London, Vienna, Paris, Geneva, and Munich are cities in Europe where you can find old money.

What are the 3 best old money clubs?

The Knickerbocker Club, the Bohemian Club, and Skull and Bones Club are the best old money clubs.

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